12 October 2011



It's nice to know Target is moving on quickly and allowing us a sneak peak of their new Designer Collaboration since the mess that was Missoni. I'm sure there is some Missoni Lingerie still lurking at a Target near you that makes you whimper at the sight of it. 

So I was happy to see this gorgeous video of Jason Wu's spring collection for Target due in February. I love the colors, the prints, the silhouettes (that I can sort of make out). And since Wu isn't as much of a legend as Missoni, although definitely a flourishing designer, hopefully even the podunkiest Target like the one by my house will still have his designs in stock.

I have always praised the designer collaboration idea. I like the fact that major designers recognize that average consumers admire their work and cannot afford it, but allow them to do so by offering affordable collections through major retailers like Target, JCPenney, Kohl's, and H&M. 

Of course, these affordable collections also allow the designers to make a quick buck on the backs of the average consumer as well. Isn't it a win win? The designer gets to make more money, and we get to enjoy their designs at a reasonable price. A fellow fashion blogger, albeit far more popular than I and probably more respected, disagrees. I'm not going to name who, I love her style, and I like that she has an attitude and not afraid to show it. But she feels like these designers are "selling out" and compromising the integrity of their fashion houses by creating these collections. 

In regards to the phrase "selling out", fashion is a business, not just an art form. And although these designers may be lowering their standards, I think it shows they recognize that the fashionable are not always the most fortunate. And that the majority of consumers in this country are not the most fortunate. So what's the harm in designing something completely adorable and completely affordable, that will eventually enhance the self-esteem and confidence of the body it's hugging? I don't think that's "selling out", I think that's just being compassionate.


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