23 November 2011


I'm so excited to finally announce VARNISHED JEANS' partnership with Proopticals.com! I recently received these fabulous Ashley frames from Proopticals and I've got to say, I was completely impressed. The frames came with a lovely case and shammy for easy cleaning. The frames themselves are really fantastic quality, and really inexpensive! 

I'm glad that my love for wearing glasses (and obvious medical need, because wearing frames for fashionable purposes is just lame) and passion for quality yet affordable items has allowed me this opportunity to create this partnership with Proopticals. I'm completely over the moon with these lenses! Such a great edition to my expanding lens collection!

I love these thick framed lenses that almost look a little like Wayfarers but aren't. As much as I love Ray Bans and the obsession that the public has with them, I'm really trying to move away from that shape. But I do like the point-dexter quality they put off. I'm mean, for christ sake I'm a book worm at heart (with a BA in English) so anything that can give you that impression right of the bat is good in my book(!)

I'm wearing my single favorite blouse I thrifted recently. I love the mock bow tie that it has. I'm also wearing my new favorite (p)leather skirt from Forever 21. It was a relatively inexpensive ($15) way of giving this outfit a little edginess. It's hard to find a leather skirt at the thrift store that is a full skirt, and not a mini or pencil. Both of those silhouettes aren't really my style, and also not very flattering in leather.

Also, I'm debuting another favorite pair of tights of mine, my houndstooth tights. I enjoy their lack of showy-ness; the print is a houndstooth thats black and dark gray. They definitely add nice texture to an outfit. 

And the Winter and cold weather outfits commence! Enjoy! 

Rachel Beth

Images taken by Brian Garcia of Hate Your Answering Machine.

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