I've been making a lot of plans for my life lately that are exciting. I'm typically a very private person when it comes to my personal life, although I do like to share some things with all of you on the web. It keeps my blog interesting, right? The plans I've been making although exciting, are private for now! I can't wait to share them with you when the time comes.
It was brought to my attention the last time I wore these jeans for my blog that here I have this blog named "VARNISHED JEANS" yet I'm not really wearing jeans a lot or even trousers in general. It was actually when I was explaining my blog to the Refinery 29 intern who took my picture for campus fashion: "How can you have a blog about jeans, but be wearing mostly skirts & dresses?"
The name "VARNISHED JEANS" is really just my internet moniker, and always has been since I was 13. When I started my blog, it just seemed like a perfect fit, and far more interesting than some name like "Fashion Cents" or some other typical fashion blog name that I can't seem to think of right now. But you get the drill. I also really like the sentiment attached to it - something preserved in time, like your favorite pair of jeans, or just clothing in general. Because fashion really is preserved throughout time.
Regardless, I need to purchase some more pants. I'll have to check out the trousers at H&M.
I'm wearing high waisted jeans from Urban Outfitters, a thrifted blouse, and Call It Spring suede heels. Call It Spring is Aldo's line for JCPenney. They have extremely affordable and stylish items. You might think I spend a lot of money at JCPenney. My mom actually shops there quite often and gets several coupons that she will sometimes pass on to me!
This will be the only outfit for this week. I might have one next week, but I'm gearing up for the Thanksgiving holidays and a special trip! That doesn't mean there will be a lack of posts, so come back and read!
Rachel Beth
Images taken by Brian Garcia of Hate Your Answering Machine.
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